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1. An Uncharted reboot


Sony is dedicated to expanding their worldwide Studios and their latest one at San Diego may very well be working on possibly the biggest PS5 game of all time.  According to the job listings, this highly confidential San Diego studio is working on a third-person action in collaboration with a major Sony studio. What’s more, is that one of the employees from this new studio was seen working with Naughty Dog .

2. A sequel to 2018’s God Of War


This is the announcement that the PlayStation fans are desperately waiting for and will most likely be a key factor for the remaining  Xbox users to jump onto the PlayStation hype train this generation.

Cory Barlog, the creative director of God Of War confirmed back in 2018 that the next game in the franchise won’t take as long a development time like 2018 one. Speaking to Kotaku, he stated that for the PS4 reboot the company had to start from scratch and that they “redid’ the entire core-engine.

3. Silent Hill reboot

Source- Konami

A Silent Hill reboot has been long rumoured to be making its way on Sony’s PS5. The infamous insider Dusk Gohlem has been consistently saying that a Silent Hill reboot is happening and is currently in development at Sony Japan Studios. 

4.  Ghost Of Tsushima PS5 reveal alongside co-op multiplayer


With the renounced success of Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 both commercially and critically, Sucker Punch is hard at work in delivering a unique co-op multiplayer mode for the game this fall, free of cost for its existing PS4 user base.

We do not know much about Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends, aside from the fact it doesn’t feature Jin or the characters from the game’s single-player campaign. Players can choose from four different classes: the Samurai, Hunter, Ronin, or Assassin, details on which are yet to be revealed.

5. Final Fantasy 16

Source-Square Enix

It has been four years since the last mainline entry in the magical Final Fantasy series released to positive responses from its global, ever-growing audience. Whereas the development has already begun on part 2 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake that came out this year, we doubt that it’s anywhere near to being announced or released.

Final Fantasy 16, however, is a different case. The rumours surrounding the game has picked up significantly since the last couple of months, especially after a mysterious Twitter account for the game was discovered.

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