Wukong is one of the newest champions to enter the Wild Rift and for new players who are unfamiliar with his kit from PC League, he can be difficult to deal with. Here we look at some of the champions that counter Wukong as well as how Wukong’s gameplay can be countered in general. However, first, we must understand Wukong's abilities:
Crushing Blow (Passive): Stacks up when dealing damage to a target and after completing five stacks, additional damage is dealt with that enemy champion.
(1) – Golden Staff: Empowers the next basic attack with an additional range. One can use this ability frequently due to its low cooldown.
(2) – Warrior Trickster: After casting this skill, Wukong creates a clone of itself and is invisible for 1.5s. This ability has to be timed perfectly to make full use of it.
(3) – Nimbus Strike: Wukong dashes forward with two clones and deals damage to the enemy targets. If a single target is in the range, the clones will attack that champion. This can be used to narrow the distance or escape skirmishes.
Ultimate – Cyclone: Wukong rotates with his staff in hand and knocks up nearby enemies. If the clone is cast in this combo, it will also spin alongside Wukong. This ability can be cast twice in a combo and can be cancelled by clicking on the skill button.
Wukong’s basic combo is to dash in first using (2) or (3) and then auto-attacking with (1) and heading back to safety with (2) or (3). If he has his ultimate, He will leap to you, use his clone, attack you with (1) (his clone also attacks you), deal damage with his ultimate (mimicked by his clone), (1) again and use Ultimate again.
Playstyle Tips To Counter Wukong
Wukong’s early damage is reliable as a lot of his early weaknesses were removed with the rework on his PC counterpart. Wukong excels at short trades and has the tools to engage and back away to safety. He will keep poking you down in lane before going all-in at level 6. His invisible dash (2) and increased auto range on (1) lets him dish out a lot of damage in the short trades and helps stack his passive. Wukong will try to get 5 basic attacks (AAs) off you to take full advantage of his passive Crushing Blows’ damage.
His damaging abilities are targetted so you cannot dodge them so your best bet is to trade back and make sure you don’t waste your abilities on his clone. His second ability, Warrior Trickster, makes him the master of deception and mind games. Keep track of his clone, as has a long cooldown and is his main way to either engage or disengage safely. If you do attack his clone, don’t let it tilt you. When it’s down, counter him by picking up some long trades or ask your jungler to gank your lane.
In team fights, the best way to counter Wukong is to look out for his position on the map and watch out for flanks. If he is out of vision or goes invisible, start backing away and don’t group with your team or else he might catch all 5 of you in his ultimate. His ultimate is game-changing, much like a good Yasuo or Malphite. When played right his invisible dash gives him a huge advantage in trying to flank your team and getting surprise engages.
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